Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Nothing new

This week I have Wednesday off of work. How random. It has been a lovely day thus far i must admit.  Its the same temperature outside right now as it is inside, perhaps a little warmer outside, but i've got the screen door open and the ceiling fan on. I love having the windows open.  I knew weather would be different down here in North Carolina, but yesterday on my jog i was downright confused as to what was going on. There were leaves falling all along the path i was on. Large, brown, dried out and perfectly crunchy; they smelled perfectly of fall as I crushed them under my feet. There was just one thing that was not making sense to me. I was not wearing a cute plad shirt, jeans, and my fall boots to keep out the slight but wonderful chill in the air. (I realize that this is not jogging attire anyway, but stick with me here.) I was wearing a tank top and shorts, because there was no chill. In fact what breeze there was, was very welcome because it was 94 degrees without a cloud in the sky!
Please note that I am not complaining, how could i possibly. I am merely expressing the fact that even though I could be just about to experience the most wonderful fall season of my life, a piece of me still misses the short but sweet Minnesota version.

Nothing new to report, because if you know me well at all you know that the fact that I fell on the concrete in the parking lot in front of our apartment  on Saturday and bashed my right elbow so hard that today (Wednesday) it is still slightly swollen and less than slightly black and blue, is not a shocking story. This is just another page in the chapter of small injuries that i have accrued over the years. Really though, I'm fine. It still works. The popping really doesn't concern me yet. Good news though, if it should happen to concern me, i got my health care package from work yesterday! Three Cheers for 90 days of a steady job that i enjoy and health insurance!!!
Cheer! Cheer! Cheer!

Enjoy the weather wherever you are!

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