I have a hard time spending too much time on the computer, no matter what it is that I'm working on or looking at. Even Facebook stalking wears away at my brain after about an hour or so and I just have to walk away and do something non-technological.
Like today for instance when from 9 am to 1:30 pm my face was glued to this little glowing screen as I went through ALL (well I have to be honest here I didn't even touch the wedding folder) of our pictures, re-naming and re-filing whenever necessary. After four hours of screen oogling, I had to go outside and walk around.
I realize this makes me some kind of light weight, and I'm o.k. with that. I respect and appreciate the ability of some people (my husband included) to work on a computer throughout their entire work day. Someone has got to be able to do it or honestly the world as we now know it would probably fall apart. Now what I really don't understand is how those people who work on their computers all day in the office, can come home and "unwind" by checking their email and surfing the web (again my husband included). On the other hand, it completely makes sense when I get home from 8 hours on my feet in the kitchen and I decide that we need to bring a homemade dessert to small group, and thus proceed to unwind from my day by making a fresh pan of brownies... Touché...
We have now arrived at the point in this post where I share a picture with you that I took this evening on a night time picture taking extravaganza with my wonderful husband.

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