Thursday, July 19, 2012

This past week, from Arkansas

Hello friends and followers. I am writing to you from a borrowed IPad in Arkansas. So not only do I have only one trustworthy hand to type with (that being my non-dominant hand, as it were), but I also have no real keypad; compensated by an over active and usually not entirely useful auto correct. I just wanted you to be aware that this update comes to you by way of no small effort from me. You want to know what else has required no small effort from me this past week? - brushing my teeth, left handed - washing my hair, left handed - doing anything with my hair besides leaving it to hang all slipshod off my head - baking, cooking, and cleaning( which is really all I was planning on doing while Shannon was at work this week. I came to visit her so that we would both have company while our husbands were out of town. I was planning on being her housewife for the week. Being a housewife, pretend or for real, is much more challenging with only one useful hand.) - everything else that would be difficult to accomplish with ones non-dominant hand I suppose you might like to know what happened to my right hand to render it useless. Well...I'm not really sure, but it hurts, not really the hand so much as the forearm, but as they are intimately connected, I cannot properly use one without the other. I've been told that it might be carpal tunnel, which is not very exciting news. I have not been to the Dr. To have it officially assessed. I'm still debating on whether to go get it checked out or not. It seems to be getting better, until those moments when it seems like its getting worse. Better or worse, it leaves me with not much to do,alone,in someone else's house, with only one useful hand. I did make left handed scones the other day! They were just as delicious as right handed scones. You wouldn't even be able to taste the difference if you had tried them yourself, just ask Shannon. So there it is, what I've been up to. Phil is in NYC learning about his new job, I think he's enjoying it. More on New York next week after I arrive there. For now Arkansas is Freaking Hot, but nice, and I am having a very good visit with my long time best friend, when she's not at work... Oh and we are all anxiously awaiting the arrival of Baby Brokering! Any time now...seriously.

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